Today, we’re diving deeper into Genesis 3:14-19, a passage often referred to as the “curse section.” This part of Scripture is crucial for understanding the consequences of Adam and Eve’s actions and how they affect all of humanity. But as we look closely, we might discover that what we’ve always called a curse is actually […]
Today, we’re continuing our Genesis study, focusing on Genesis 3:8-13—a passage often called the “judgment section.” This is where we see the direct results of Adam and Eve’s sin, marking a turning point in humanity’s relationship with God. As we unpack this passage, we need to remember that while Scripture was written for us, it […]
We all have moments when we question things, wondering if we really heard God right or if maybe, just maybe, we know better. That struggle didn’t start with us—it’s been there from the very beginning. The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 is often seen as the beginning of sin, but it’s also […]
When we think about the creation of Eve, many of us have heard interpretations that don’t quite capture the depth of what was happening in Genesis. For years, this passage has been misrepresented, often reducing Eve’s role to something far less than what God originally intended. But when we slow down and look at the […]
“Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man He had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of […]
This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no […]
“By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.” — Genesis 2:2-3 For many, the […]
“So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” — Genesis 1:27 As we continue through Genesis 1, we see something unique about humanity. Unlike the rest of creation, mankind is described as being made in God’s image. This sets us apart, […]
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” — Genesis 1:1 Many people start reading Genesis at the beginning of the year, eager to understand the creation story and its significance. But Genesis 1 isn’t just about how the world began—it reveals who God is, why He created us, and what it means […]
Have you ever started reading the Bible from the beginning, only to feel a little lost? Maybe you’ve picked up Genesis before, excited to dig into God’s Word, but quickly found yourself overwhelmed, wondering how it all connects to your life today. You’re not alone. Genesis is one of the most well-known books of the […]
Later that night, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. MARK 6:47–48 Have you ever walked through something so difficult, so terrifying, that you’ve caught yourself asking, “Jesus, where are You?” When life […]
In a culture obsessed with platform building and influence, sometimes it can be difficult to lean into the idea of humility. Yet as believers, we are called to humility of spirit in a way that surrenders our will to the Lord’s. To discuss this concept, I invited Dr. Joel Muddamalle onto the show to talk […]
Over the past year, the news cycle has been peppered with moments that many of us have never heard before. Stories about revival, ongoing and powerful, encourage us as we learn about what is happening on college campuses across America. The ushering in of a great revival has been a prayer in the hearts of […]
Why do you keep asking me to do this? That is a question that many of us have asked God. It’s a question that my guest this week, Natalie Runion, asked the Lord during a season of church hurt while serving under toxic leadership. I invited Natalie onto the Hearing Jesus Podcast to talk through this difficult […]
This weekend is Father’s Day, and there is a heightened focus on our children and what it means to be a good parent. Recently, I invited my friend, Kyle Idleman, on the show to talk about the concept of surrendering our children to the Lord. In this episode, one of the things Kyle talks about […]
When I was first starting out in my faith, I didn’t really know what spiritual gifts were, but I remember telling someone that I thought my spiritual gift was talking. Their response told me that talking wasn’t really a spiritual gift, but over time, I learned that they might not necessarily be totally correct in […]
As we pulled into the hotel parking lot, it took me a moment to recognize that I was holding my breath. It wasn’t until I went to speak, that I realized it. Suddenly, I was 11 years old and on the verge of tears. I had booked this hotel for its convenient location and airport […]
It seems like every year, the Christmas decorations hit the stores earlier and earlier. Now that it’s November, they are starting to fill everyone’s homes. I myself have been guilty of watching some of the clean-cut Christmas romances that are peppering the weekend TV schedules. And while I love Christmas day, I have found myself really […]