“So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” — Genesis 1:27
As we continue through Genesis 1, we see something unique about humanity. Unlike the rest of creation, mankind is described as being made in God’s image. This sets us apart, not just in function but in identity.
Many people wrestle with questions of purpose—why am I here? What does my life mean? The answer is found right here in the first chapter of the Bible: you were created to reflect God.
The Weight of the Words “Let Us”
Genesis 1:26 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness.’”
Notice the plural language—let us, our image, our likeness. This is one of the first glimpses we get of the Trinity in Scripture. From the very beginning, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were actively involved in creation.
Some people assume that Jesus and the Holy Spirit didn’t appear until the New Testament, but Scripture tells a different story.
• John 1:1-3 reveals that Jesus was present at creation, described as the Word through whom all things were made.
• Genesis 1:2 describes the Spirit of God hovering over the waters, actively engaged in bringing order.
Understanding this reminds us that God has always existed in relationship within Himself—and because we are made in His image, we were designed for relationship too.
Being an Image Bearer
In ancient cultures, rulers would create statues of themselves and place them throughout their kingdoms as a reminder of their authority. The Hebrew word selem, translated as “image,” carries this same idea.
To be made in God’s image means we were created to represent Him on earth.
This means:
• Our value isn’t based on what we do but on whose we are.
• Our purpose isn’t just to exist but to reflect God’s heart and character.
• Our lives should point others to the One who created us.
This truth has powerful implications. If every person is an image-bearer, then how we treat others is a direct reflection of how we see God.
Authority and Responsibility
After creating mankind, God immediately gives them a role.
“God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” — Genesis 1:28
The words “subdue” and “rule” don’t imply dominance or abuse, but stewardship. We were entrusted with creation to care for it, nurture it, and reflect God’s heart in how we interact with the world around us.
This passage also reveals an important truth about God’s design for humanity:
• He created both male and female in His image, giving them equal dignity and purpose.
• He established blessing before command—His first words to mankind were not rules but a blessing over them.
• He entrusted creation to people, inviting them into His work rather than keeping them at a distance.
From the very beginning, God’s desire was to partner with His creation. He didn’t need us, but He wanted us.
Why This Matters Today
Our world constantly sends messages about where we should find our worth—success, appearance, relationships, influence. But Genesis 1 tells us that our worth isn’t based on external things.
• Your identity is not in what you achieve but in the fact that you were created by God.
• Your value isn’t determined by others’ opinions but by the One who made you.
• Your purpose isn’t something you have to find—it’s something you were given at creation.
When we truly grasp this, it changes how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we live.
A Prayer for Today
Father God, thank You for the incredible truth that I am made in Your image. Help me to see myself the way You see me—not through the lens of the world but through the truth of Your Word. Show me how to reflect Your heart in my daily life, in my relationships, and in the way I care for the world around me. Thank You for entrusting me with purpose and calling me into relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
You were created on purpose, with purpose. No matter where you come from or what your past looks like, your identity is secure in the One who made you.
To hear more, listen to the full episode of the Hearing Jesus Podcast here: Made in His Image
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