One of the first things we do when we move to a new home is anointing our home to make sure it is cleansed of anything that is not of God. While this process is extremely helpful and effective, the results will only be temporary if you are allowing the enemy to have a legal right to be there. Before working through the process of anointing your home, it’s helpful to start with an examination of the ways that you may have given the enemy a right to be there in the first place.
Start with Prayer
Start by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal anything to you that may be inviting the enemy in. Sometimes this can be something you overlook or have become desensitized to. Many times, it is our own behavior that invites the enemy in, even if we don’t realize it. If nothing is coming up, it may be helpful to walk room by room, praying and asking God to show you anything you need to get rid of. Don’t forget things like:
Media or Books: Watching paranormal shows, TikToks, movies, etc
Pornography: Magazines, movies, etc
Jewelry: symbols of other religions, pentagrams, skulls, etc
God may reveal something to you that wouldn’t seem significant to anyone else but may be a personal idol or hold a memory that leads to sin.
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! 2 Corinthians 13:5
When you get rid of the things that depict sin and evil, you are coming against those spirits. You’re renouncing permission for those things to occupy your home.
In Scripture, we see the example of how Jesus even cleansed His own house when He cleansed the Temple. As He went through the Temple, He got rid of the things that were not honoring to God. Just as Jesus had the authority to cleanse the Temple, you have authority over your own home. As a believer in Jesus, you have authority over evil because Jesus gave us that authority.
Gather Some Oil
“Get the anointing oil. Anoint the holy tent and everything in it. Set apart the holy tent and everything that belongs to it. Then it will be holy. Exodus 40:9
Olive oil is what we use in our home. Anointing of oil is used and talked about much in Scripture- in both the Old and New Testaments.
Oil symbolism was used throughout the Bible.
The prayer and anointing are more about your faith and the work of the Holy Spirit than it is about the oil.
It’s important to remember that there is nothing magical about the oil. The oil serves as a point of contact for you in your prayer. We stand in faith, like the Hebrews did, that as we pray and anoint our homes, the Lord will protect us from anything evil coming into our homes.
Anoint Your Doors and Windows While You Pray
“Behold, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy and to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and nothing shall injure you.” Luke 10:19
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
Don’t overcomplicate this or think you can’t do it. The enemy wants nothing more than to convince you that he is stronger than you. But the truth is that through Jesus, the Holy Spirit that is in you is more powerful than anything the enemy can throw your way.
Start by taking a little bit of oil on your finger and rubbing it on the corners of your doors and windows as you pray. If possible, have your whole family participate. It’s important to teach our children about the power of the Holy Spirit. Here is a sample prayer to guide you, but listen to the Holy Spirit in this and pray as you are led.
Dear God,
Please bless this entryway in Jesus’ name. Please guard all who enter and leave. Let nothing enter this house that is not of you, in Jesus’ name. I command any unclean thing that is not of you to leave immediately in Jesus’ name. May this home be blessed by you and honor you.
Now repeat the process on all doors, windows, and closets of the home. We also walk the property and anoint all corners of our home, the corners of the property, the driveways, etc.
As you are praying, it’s also important to remember that you are not asking spirits to leave; you are commanding them to.
You could say something like:
In the name of Jesus, I command right now every spirit that is not of God to leave this place.
You can also ask out loud for the Holy Spirit to fill your home, protect your family, and for God to send angels to protect your family.
Finish With Prayer
Thank God for sending the Holy Spirit, through Jesus, as our helper in this world:
Dear God,
We thank you for your faithfulness and protection. Thank you for taking care of our family and for sending your Son to die on the cross for us so we can be in relationship with you. And now, we thank you for being present with us and for making our home a place of peace.
I would also suggest reading out loud Psalm 91 and playing some worship music. Scripture teaches that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. If you still feel evil spirits in your home, you want to reach out to your pastor and ask for help.
Would you like to learn more on this topic or hear some of my experiences? Check out a podcast episode where I talk about it:
Ghosts, Demons, and the Power of the Holy Spirit
This episode was so fitting for Halloween, but also cleared up a lot of questions I had about familiar spirits! Thank You for sharing and also the cleansing prayer. Have a blessed week!!
I am trying to get the evil spell out my house
I am currently going thru a situation where there are some demonic soirits in my home. They first came in the form of smoke that looked like it had worms or maggots in it. My sister sent ne this article and im going to do exactly how you said to and get rid of them first thing in the morning. So thank you so much for posting this
Amen Love & Light
Can you please send me some prayers 🙏 to keep out the evil in my home I can feel the negative energy and it scares ne help me thank you God bless
Yes, I would like to receive more information so I can get to start Blessings my home & family Thank You.
Check out the podcast!
Im newly off drugs for a month now and ive blessed my house 4 times and my house was fillied with tunes but now theres only a few but the other ones wont leave I need someones help please!
I really need the bad spirits out of my home. My own son has a habit of verbally abusing me. He got married to an evil spirit a user. Now he talks to me as if he hates me
He left some items in my house that I am getting ready to throw out. I can’t take it anymore. I need prayer for removal of these bad spirits.
Hi, how often should I anoint my home?
Great question. I have only ever done it once, right when we moved in. But if you have somehow given the enemy the authority to come in, through sin, etc, then you may want to do it again.
Keep saying “Jesus I cover my son with your blood, I cover his wife with your blood, I apply your holy blood on this house and on my family”. These are very Powerful words because His blood has power and is POWER. Read the Bible daily at least 5-6 chapters and see wonders.
Dear Sarah, first of all I want to introduce myself. My name us Susan Coleman. I and my hubby are Christian missionaries and have Pastored churches. We deal with spirirual warfare always; I even do exorcisms. I want to tell you, don’t give up on your son. You seem to be reacting as though he is the evil spirit. I understand how hurt you are. You are reacting as though it is he who is the evil spirit. I am sure he is most likely has some evil spirits. He’s been demonized. He is a victim of Satan and needs prayer and an exorcism. Please love him and know it’s really not him saying those hurtful things. Pray and try to see if you could get him to see someone who does real exorcisms. But please do not give up on him. The devil Satan and his fallen angels, the demons want to only, steal, kill and destroy. He is in danger. Change your train of thought and position, from hurting Mom from mean son, to a Mom, a Momma bear who understands that Satan is trying to destroy and kill your son. And you Christian Mom have the authority Christ has given you to stomp on Satan and demons. Change from a defensive position and victim to be on the offensive and you take authority in Christ. You be that strong Christian Momma bear and start protect your son with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ in you, with prayer and fasting and rebuking.. And you pray and fast fervantly and ask God to show you what to do. Pray and fast and bind up and rebuke those spirits that have invaded your son a d your home. Try to find out what spiritual door was opened in your life as a family, or maybe him alone who has opened a spiritual door. If you find some, close them! But if you find out what door he oened, maybe talk with him and help him to renounce it and close the door and break the curse. If you have done something, even talked to a psychic or read horoscopes, a drinker, or brought something into the home that may be cursed. Like jewelry, or a nik naks, anything that is native American, a stature of a bird that is native American. Anything from the Orient that has a dragon on it. Anything that is of a other country with something of their pagan religion can open a door. A yone in the family that does witchcraft, yoga, rikki. I had rosery beads that kept a sporitual door open that allowed it to legally bother me in my life. I saved them from when I was little because of whom they were from that is all.. When I went to this country as a missionary, and one of this countries principality demons, that means the big demon over the people and land is the Queen of heaven. A evil demon worship by people in the old Testament and now masquerades as Mary the mother of Jesus. And that demon kept appearing and would attack me. I lost count how many times I was attacked. I would rebuke and it would go, then come back! One day she appeared and then showed me rosary beads and in a sickening sweet voice said she would have me back. You see as a small child as a Catholic, used to say the rosary. Which is nearly completely prayers and worship to her. That is the sin of idolatry. God hates it. It is I believe the first commandment!! You see the real Mary would never have anyone pray to her and worship her or call herself co-redemptrix. She would on point you to her son. But she is in heaven now. Only Jesus is our Redeemer. He alone shed His blood. Well, this demon threatened to have me back and showed me the rosary beads then as a blackness jumped on me again and I wouldn’t be able to move. Then I would call on Jesus in my heart and He would stop it. And I would rebuke it in the name of Jesus and tell it to go. The Lord told me to get the beads and renounce them and ask forgiveness for all my prayers to her as a child. And I took them outside and threw them in the trash. That closed the door and broke a curse. Much has happened and we have grown in our knowledge and ministry and spiritual warfare. Sonething like keeping those beads can open a door to let demons in your home and/or in you and your son. If you feel tormented and is constantly being hurt and attacked uou could even have demon and not know it. It will lie low and use a different strategy to destroy your life. If you are a strong Christian it cannot do much but, can get others to attack you through someone else. You need to be prayed with as well. If you need someone to talk with and pray with for your son and yourself and try and figure out what could have opened him up to demons, I am here for you. It could even be something your parents or grandparents did or generations ago someone did that opened the sporitual door and put a cutse on your family and door. Even Aunts and Uncles BUT YOU CAN CLOSE IT AND BREAK THE CURSE. On Facebook my name is Susan Babcock-Coleman in Ireland. God bless you dear sister and your son! I am looking forward to meeting you!
Lord God, I pray over Sandra and the evil spirit in her home. I ask that you would overwhelm her with your Holy Spirit and that she would feel your presence over anything else. I ask that she would feel love from the Son Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and that you would reveal to her your angels. Send angels to protect her. Jesus is the son of God! God is our Father in Heaven! The Holy Spirit is our Helper! Thank you Jesus! Let these words be proclaimed throughout all the earth, starting in the household of the McGuire’s! In your name, Amen!
Waiting for next comments and book
Check out the resources page, I have a Psalms study available now.
What do I use if I don’t have anointing oil.
Hi Pamela! I just use regular olive oil that I have in my cupboard. The oil is a place holder, the power is in the Holy Spirit and the prayer. But if it makes you feel better, most Bible Bookstores carry all vials of anointing oil near their registers. Praying for you, friend!
Jessica, dear sister, I want to explain some things to you. Buut first I will tell you who I am. My mame is SUSAN; I’m a Christian missionary to Ireland. I have a lot of experience in spiritual warfare. And I want you to know God is greater and if you are a Christian than greàter is He that is in you than He who is in the world. And Please read Ephesians 6:10-18. Put on the full armour of God. Trust in Him. And you a Christian have the authority Christ has given you to stomp on Satan and demons. Change from a defensive position and victim to be on the offensive and you take authority in Christ. You be that strong Christian and start protecting yourself with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ in you, with prayer and fasting and rebuking.. And you pray and fast fervantly and ask God to show you what to do. Pray and fast and bind up and rebuke those spirits that have invaded your home and taking liberties with you. Try to find out what spiritual door was opened in your life or as a family,. If you find some, close them! Renounce it, ask God forgiveness, repent, that is to turn away from sin and turn to God and throw it away. If it is something you did, renounce it out loud and pray to God foregiveness and repent, that is turn to God and away from sin. And say: ” In the name of Jesus I break this curse over my life!” But if you find out a family member opened, maybe talk with him/her and help them to renounce it and close the door and break the curse. If you have done something, even talked to a psychic or read horoscopes, a drinker, into porn, smoke pot ( which always gives people a demon) or brought something into the home that may be cursed. Like jewelry, or a nik naks, anything that is native American, a stature of a bird that is native American. Anything from the Orient that has a dragon on it. Anything that is of a other country with something of their pagan religion can open a door. Violent films, demonic horror films, books, books of pagan religions, have used a ouija board, own one, had palms read, torot cards read, abortion, seance even as a kid, anything like that can give you a demon and invite ythem into your home. Anyone in the family that does witchcraft, yoga, rikki. Medals of saints I had rosery beads that kept a spliritual door open that allowed it to legally bother me in my life. I saved them from when I was little because of whom they were from, that is all.. When I went to this country as a missionary, and one of this country’s principality demons, that means the big demon over the people and land is the Queen of heaven. A evil demon worship by people in the old Testament and now masquerades as Mary the mother of Jesus. And that demon kept appearing and would attack me. I lost count how many times I was attacked. I would rebuke and it would go, then come back! One day she appeared and then showed me rosary beads and in a sickening sweet voice said she would have me back. You see as a small child as a Catholic, used to say the rosary. Which is nearly completely prayers and worship to her. That is the sin of idolatry. God hates it. It is I believe the first commandment!! You see the real Mary would never have anyone pray to her and worship her or call herself co-redemptrix. She would on point you to her son. But she is in heaven now. Only Jesus is our Redeemer. He alone shed His blood. Well, this demon threatened to have me back and showed me the rosary beads then as a blackness jumped on me again and I wouldn’t be able to move. Then I would call on Jesus in my heart and He would stop it. And I would rebuke it in the name of Jesus and tell it to go. The Lord told me to get the beads and renounce them and ask forgiveness for all my prayers to her as a child. And I took them outside and threw them in the trash. That closed the door and broke a curse. Much has happened and we have grown in our knowledge and ministry and spiritual warfare. Sonething like keeping those beads can open a door to let demons in your home and/or in you and in your family. If you are tormented and is constantly being hurt and attacked you could even have demon and not know it. It will lie low and use a different strategy to destroy your life. If you are a strong Christian it cannot do much but, can get others to attack you as you describe or through someone else. You need to be prayed with as well. If you need someone to talk with and pray with and try and figure out what could have opened yourself up to being abused by demons how a door was opened. Maybe you have not but, a generational curse is on your family or on you. Know I am here for you. It could even be something your parents or grandparents did or generations ago someone did that opened the spiritual door,/doors and put a curse on you or your house. Even Aunts and Uncles can open doors that will affectyour life. BUT YOU CAN CLOSE IT AND BREAK THE CURSE. But I feel you need to talk and pray with someone and help you figure out what happened and find out if you need deliverance. I think you may. I will pray with you cx and talk to you to try and figu tree it out and stop the demon from bothgering you. People who are a threat to Satan’s kingdom are often target for attacks like you have. I am here for you. I am a Christian missionary a d have been doing missionary work now completing 34 yrs. And my hubby and I are always in spiritual warfare as missionaries. We have authority as Christians to pulled down strongholds and to bind the enemy. I even do deliverance/exorcism. Please if you would like to talk and pray contact me
on Facebook, my name is Susan Babcock-Coleman and I am in Ireland. God bless you dear sister and your son! I am looking forward to meeting you! God bless you!✝️🕊🙏🏻☘
What if you live with another adult who happens to be your child and they have things in their room that you don’t think should be in the house, for example, pictures of anime characters (Japanese cartoons) hanging on their walls? I don’t like them because some of them look evil. How do you anoint your home if a door has been opened for the enemy to come in?
Well, I think then it’s time for a tough conversation.
I have something in my room a spirit of ghost I just want it gone I want out of my room I wanted to stop touching my leg blowing in my eat messing with me I want it gone in Jesus name
I have an issue with my health. I moved into my parents home after they passed away. No one attended church that was in the home. It was my Mom, and Day, and 2 older brothers. One of the brothers was very very evil. We never got along. I was my father’s only child. The evil brother been around my Dad since he was 8. He was on drugs, and alcohol, very mean spirited. We never ever got along. The other brother was an alcoholic. We got along. They didn’t work. They were on disability. Everyone had Health Issues. My Mother was Bone on Bone in her knees. I moved out when I was 24. I would visit sometimes, not often because of the evil brother. Now I am Bone on Bone in my knees. I need knee replacements in both knees. I seem to broke quickly. This was going on in the home. When I moved in the home, my knees got Bone on bone. It happen quickly. I was in good health. When I moved in my parents home after they passed my health changed. My father used to call the home the sick house. Everyone did seemed to had health issues. Does it seem like my home seem to need some cleansing Spiritually?
Protection of home, myself, and loved ones
Thank you so much for teaching me about anointing oil,I didn’t know that by the power of the Holy spirit it can be used to cleanse out homes,, God bless you all indeed for being the light of the world in Jesus ‘s name Amen 🙏
God bless.Love this.block
Thank you for posting this article. I have cleansed my house before. I said something similar but I’m glad you explained it more.
My disabled son and I have fallen on hard times we have been homeless going on 4 years we live in the car we have nothing but Lord we have You 🙏 we need prayer for deliverance and restoration please teach us how to pray thank you sincerely Mary
I pray for you and your son. I hope that you get the help you need and are food, clothe, and shelter. I hope you find work and find peace in your lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Thank you for this good article. I am going to care for my neighbors dog while they are away for a few weeks. I will be in their home often. I am considering praying through it with some oil Not so much for me, as I know I have the holy spirit but for them. I know there is lots of dysfunction and trouble in this home. Does that make sense? What are your thoughts on that?
Dear Kathie, I believe we have been given all authority by the Father to pray wherever we are and at any time, day or night. Thank you for sharing.
To the admin, Thanks for the valuable information!
I am so blessed to have found your website. I believe my 19 yr old son is be harrassed by a spirit. He hears murmuring and says he can’t make it out the words. This has been going on for awhile and I have not felt empowered enough to pray and anoint our home. Thank you for this I will listen to your podcast. If you believe I should get more help please respond to this comment thank you.
My brother deals with this. It stopped for me when I moved out of my mother’s home and gave myself to Christ instead of Mary. Sorry if that’s offensive. Did you successfully drive out the spirits?
That happened to me at night; when I used a specific room for sleeping in. Because of my own experience; I wonder if there might be any same/similar type of component? In my case, I eventually thought it may have been not >super< natural. However!! I _would still_ recommend praying for help – and for the Holy Spirit to reveal what's the problem; and how to completely, permanently stop it!
I'd woken up already feeling a poor mood. Eventually, I dreampt/heard/remembered indistinct, yet evil muttering before being fully awake enough to tell what was going on.
Later, I realized I could hear outdoor passers-by – loudly enough, too – from this room. And that more bad things (both amount and quality) were heard at night. I just hadn't connected the two.
Bad songs, curse words – and get this, for effects on mood: any complaining, sharing problems with co-walker, any pessimistic, angry, or other negative speech. And, – okay or not for them to've said; again my guard was wide down to it while asleep. So it had still harmed or bugged me.
I needed especial protection (by praying & declaring/speaking); THAT is the solution; no matter what the cause.
So…was it a sibling watching bad media, and sometimes whispering who-knows-what, late at night? (Nevermind also at other times.) Or outside people saying things my soul would be grumpy at, if I didn't know better – and wasn't, because hey! I was unconscious.
Or even simply any (though especially negative) loud sleep interruptions from outside? Despite not waking me up fully…
No really: Which one(s)?
Get this: somehow,, earplugs _partially_ helped.
What?? I thought my spirit would still hear any words! Or that they'd still be equally effective! As for the "partial"-ly helping; well, they only _partially_ blocked sound.
To Pamela j Smith, wish I had a way to contact you directly, as I have the same problem. When I was a child I came from horrific disfunction & when I met my husband & walked through the door of his home that he bought 2 help his dad & 2 younger brothers after the mom passed, it was such a evil presence in the home, 20+ yrs later I’m very ill, my son is ill & now my adopted daughter is getting ill, I don’t know what to do either as we did deliverance maybe 2m ago, & things were good for about 3 days, & then it’s like the world exploded. Theirs more to this story but not enough room to explain, but like you I feel this house has an evil presence we can’t get away from, we have been trying to sell 4 over a yr, & we’ve gotten rite 2 signing papers & it will fall apart at that point. Add insult 2 injury against everything I begged of my husband, against it all he joined the masons after our neighbor wouldn’t stop asking, shietly later is when everything fell apart 2 what seems unfixible. Our neighbors wife & him moved 3yrs ago & 2 yrs after they moved she passed away, her husband at that point was all ready sime kind of master of the lodge. My home, my family needs a miracle or I fear 1 of us will pass due 2 quickly failing health like our neighbor. Something was all ready in this home & when my husband joined the masons & finally left, it all crumbled. PLEASE HELP B4 ITS 2 LATE, PLEASE.
Thank you. You are truly blessed for blessing others with your words.
Thank you for all your help, may God bless you and keep you safe.
Yes is there any way I can print this out?
Thank you so much, you have just reminded me, not the first time happened, I was tormented by them really badly and now just panicked, you helped me a lot, everything do ❤️, especially the blood of Jesus very powerful!! Thank you so much
I want to anoint my home and was looking around the homes to make sure I don’t have any items that may depict sin or evil. My husband just bought a star wars book to read and on the back cover it has a picture of Darth Maul character whose face looks demonic. Is this book going to invite evil into the home? Should I get rid of this book before I anoint my home?
I was hoping that I can get some advice on what to remove out of my home so that the menafestion of God can move more smoothly in my home so that people can feel the power of the holy spirit when they enter my home so that they can be transformed by the renewal of their minds and they can see the men festooned of God in my life and the way that I live
I would like to thank the people who put this up for everyone to see. Also making it possible for the home owners to do it our self rather than going straight to our pastor now that i have a bit more knowledge on it i think that im going to do it myself. My partner had the house blessed when i was away for a bit but i think it would only be right if all of us are here our kids and me and my partner. We havnt had any paranormal happenings since a couple years back but if it comes back i think it would be good for all of us to push it out as a family also to let the kids know we can beat ghosts just by the word of god the son and the holy spirit. Thank you guys and god bless
Thank you for re-interating what I know God’s Holy Anointing will/can do!
In Jesus Name! I’m in recovery for emotional narcissist abuse.
I ask God to remove the hurt, shame, and embarrassment immediately.
I knew better, but my flesh allow the demonic spirit to create a soul-tie and I want it ALL REMOVED IN JESUS NAME!
Taking priority for concentrating my home and children to God is my wish. I need God to fill me with power of the holy ghost to annoint my home
my mom and i dont get along very well. there have been alot of complicated things that have happened between us. Recently my mom moved into our home – i live with my fiancé and two children aged 2 and 4. since my mom has moved in i have been very much on edge , annoyed , stressed , depressed , not wanting her around me and depressed. i couldnt understand why. last night we had another fallout. she sent me a message that she will sell her soul. i then discover that she has been watching youtube videos of how to cast a spell on your enamies. my mom doesnt have a job or a home. she has chosen drugs along the way as well but will constantly deny it. what do i do ? im at a dead end. i dont want that around my children or home, evil has taken over her body and soul. she prays over salt , puts it in a bag , under her shoe and goes gambles at the casino. is that okay ? i need to pray over my home and family. where do i start ? my mom needs god . as much as she claims she prays and she believes i only feel evil and narcissist behavior from her. i want to help her but i dont know how. in the past she has also gone to a sagnoma. believing in them and their magic.
i ask god to remove any evil in my home and surrounding my family. in Jesus name , bless my mom , remove dark spirts and evil consuming her life. we call upon the holy spirt. in Jesus name, Amen.
I come before God to help me heal from my moms emotional narcissist abuse and that my family does not get effected by her, that god places his healing hands on us. in Jesus name, Amen
I’m staying at my daughter’s house after surgery. She was saved as a teenager, but no longer believes. I was made aware of that. Her boyfriend that she shares a home with has a satanic Bible in the home. My youngest daughter also lives here. I’ve also have a camper outback that I stay in sometimes. How should I pray over this home? As badly as I want to command the spirits to leave, do not want stronger spirits to return as I have been taught that if you cast them out and you invite them back in, they are going to root deeper and stronger. Please help???
Hi me and my beloved cats are being bother by evil spirits can u please pray for us Kimberly and my pets Tazz and tiger thank u for ur time Kimberly j fava God bless u
I am not a house owner, however my mother is but she does not follow Christ. She believes in God but does not open her bible, go to church, has so many problems with people, so much anger and bitterness in her heart, etc. I am a believer and I serve in the ministry. I attend church every Sunday and Wednesday. I am intentional about my walk with Christ. However, my mother is not and recently we had a fire in the home. I got this anointing oil from a Christian conference that I went to and I want to give it to my mom so that she can anoint her home. But I feel like if she were to anoint her home, it would not make a difference because she allows certain things in her home and also doesn’t necessarily practice any of this. What is your take on this? Should I anoint my moms home (I live here so I feel very affected living here)? Or should I go ahead and give her the oil so that she can do it herself?
Taking spiritual authority has to be rooted in our identity in Christ. If I were you, I would do my own room and the areas I tend to be in the most. That way, you can at least have some peace in your own room. You can certainly anoint the entire home, but if she is giving spiritual authority over to the enemy in any area, it may not last very long. But, you certainly can have authority over your own space. Prayers!
Thank you so much for you article on anointing my home. Today is Sunday night but Tomorrow morning I will be anointing my home. This helped me.
Thank you
I have a question for anyone who could answer it. Myself and my fiancee feel as though we’ve been under spiritual warfare for some time now and we are getting ready to cleanse (oint) our home we live in. We feel that although we’re not married in the eyes of the state that we are bound and married in the eyes of God. I love sugar skulls and have a collection of them. They do not represent anything demonic to me but reminds me that when we die this body will be cast away and we each will be beautiful when we get to Heaven. I have also prayed over each one of these as they came into our home that they not be representation of the enemy but that they now represent God’s word to us and anything not of God that may be attached to it leave it, my home, and our lives to never return in the name of Jesus Christ. Before we do the cleansing do I still need to get rid of these? I have prayed and feel they aren’t a door way but I’m afraid I’m not hearing correct because I am so partial to them and what they represent to myself.
Sorry I meant anoint
It sounds as if you don’t have a peace about the sugar skulls..
Yet you are okay about living together without being married. I could hardly believe what I read.
Do you read your bibles? The bible makes it very clear that sexual immorality us not okay with God. You are NOT married in the eyes of God You’re not married. Full stop. You say ‘We feel..” It’s not about how you feel. You need to get married not only if you want to live together but if you want to have sex. There’s no way around it. I say this in love because you are are being deceived.
If you live each other and are both Christians then what is to stop you?
Thank you for this guideline. i had noticed a lot of things were not working in my home. i lost my shop, my husband lost his shop, he got another job and had an accident, sickness here and there and i came to realize since we entered that house we have been unable to buy nothing tangible and not even proper clothing for our children. i am going to do this and come back with a feedback. thank you
I was just typing a comment but it went away before I could finish it. I need spiritual help and guidance and prayer for me and my family. Please reach out if you can help. God bless you All
Could you send me a link to get to your podcast
You can find the podcast episode that this article talks about linked above, additional episodes are on the “podcast” tab at the top of this website, or search for the Hearing Jesus Podcast on your favorite podcast app. We are on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, etc.
Although I’m not a female. I want to say a prayer for everyone including my family and I. Bless everyone and all the people, hope that they find serenity and necessities so that they may persist in their day to day lives, living in the reflection of the Holy one. I also want to ask for a prayer that I find work soon so that I can change my life around. I’ve been a gambling addict my whole life and this last month has been the toughest rock bottom I’ve ever felt. I pray that the lord everyday will guide me to the path where I can find work and be able to feed my family and take care of the ones I love needs. Whatever that path maybe I will truly except it in the Lord’s good grace.
Please forgive me for all my past sins as I am will to strive to be a better person. Please accept me and forgive me. I pray to you Jesus Christ our Lord and Savor, Amen.
Hello…When removing items like Halloween decorations or CD’s from your home is it best to throw them away or sell them? Thank you!